Source code for catkit.flow.fwespresso

from .fwio import array_to_list, atoms_to_encode
from .qeio import log_to_atoms
from .hpcio import get_nnodes
from ase.dft.bee import BEEFEnsemble
from import read, write
from ase.neb import NEB
from ase.optimize import BFGS
import msgpack
import numpy as np
import json
    from espresso import espresso

[docs]def get_relaxed_calculation(in_file='output.traj'): """Attach a stored calculator in the current directory to the provided atoms object. Then return the atoms object with the calculator attached. Parameters ---------- in_file : str Name of the relaxed trajectroy file to load. """ atoms = read(in_file) # Reinitialize the calculator from calc.tgz and attach it. calc = espresso(** calc.load_flev_output() atoms.set_calculator(calc) return atoms
[docs]def get_potential_energy(in_file='input.traj'): """Performs a ASE get_potential_energy() call with the ase-espresso calculator with the keywords defined inside the atoms object information. This can be a singlepoint calculation or a full relaxation depending on the keywords. Parameters ---------- in_file : str Name of the input file to load from the local directory. """ atoms = read(in_file) # Planewave basis set requires periodic boundary conditions atoms.set_pbc([1, 1, 1]) # Assign kpoints to be split across nodes if get_nnodes() > 1: if not['kpts']) == 1:['parflags'] = '-npool {}'.format(get_nnodes()) # Setting up the calculator calc = espresso(** atoms.set_calculator(calc) # Perform the calculation and write trajectory from log. atoms.get_potential_energy() images = log_to_atoms(out_file='output.traj') # Save the calculator to the local disk for later use. try: calc.save_flev_output() except(RuntimeError): calc.save_output() if images[-1].info.get('beefensemble'): beef = BEEFEnsemble(calc).get_ensemble_energies() images[-1].info['beef_std'] = beef.std() write('output.traj', images) return atoms_to_encode(images)
[docs]def get_total_potential(out_file='potential.msg'): """Calculate and save the total potential. Requires a previously relaxed calculation. Parameters ---------- out_file : str Name of the output file to save the results to. """ atoms = get_relaxed_calculation() calc = atoms.get_calculator() # Collect the total potential and write to disk potential = calc.extract_total_potential() potential = list(potential) array_to_list(potential) # If outfile, write a MessagePack encoded version to disk if out_file: with open(out_file, 'w') as f: msgpack.dump(potential, f) # Return a BSON friendly version return json.dumps(potential, encoding='utf-8')
[docs]def get_pdos(out_file='dos.msg'): """Calculate and save the projected DOS. Requires a previously relaxed calculation. Parameters ---------- out_file : str Name of the output file to save the results to. """ atoms = get_relaxed_calculation() calc = atoms.get_calculator() # Calculate the pdos and write to disk dos = calc.calc_pdos( nscf=True,['kpts'] * [2, 2, 1], DeltaE=0.01, slab=True, Emin=-40, Emax=40, tetrahedra=False, sigma=0.2) dos = list(dos) array_to_list(dos) # If outfile, write a MessagePack encoded version to disk if out_file: with open(out_file, 'w') as f: msgpack.dump(dos, f) # Return a BSON friendly version return json.dumps(dos, encoding='utf-8')
[docs]def get_neb(in_file='input.traj'): """Performs a ASE NEB optimization with the ase-espresso calculator with the keywords defined inside the atoms object information. Parameters ---------- in_file : str Name of the input file to load from the local directory. """ images = read(in_file, ':') for atoms in images[1:-1]: calc = espresso(** atoms.set_calculator(calc) neb = NEB(images) opt = BFGS(neb, trajectory='output.traj', logfile=None)'fmax')) out_images = read('output.traj', ':') # Save the calculator to the local disk for later use. try: calc.save_flev_output() except(RuntimeError): calc.save_output() return atoms_to_encode(out_images)