Source code for catkit.gen.utils.symmetry

from catkit import Gratoms
import numpy as np
import spglib

[docs]def get_spglib_cell(atoms, primitive=False, idealize=True, tol=1e-5): """Atoms object interface with spglib primitive cell finder: Parameters ---------- atoms : object Atoms object to search for a primitive unit cell. primitive : bool Reduce the atoms object into a primitive form. idealize : bool Convert the cell into the spglib standardized form. tol : float Tolerance for floating point rounding errors. Returns ------- primitive cell : object The primitive unit cell returned by spglib if one is found. """ lattice = atoms.cell positions = atoms.get_scaled_positions() numbers = atoms.get_atomic_numbers() cell = (lattice, positions, numbers) cell = spglib.standardize_cell( cell, to_primitive=primitive, no_idealize=~idealize, symprec=tol) if cell is None: return atoms _lattice, _positions, _numbers = cell atoms = Gratoms(symbols=_numbers, cell=_lattice, pbc=atoms.pbc) atoms.set_scaled_positions(_positions) return atoms
[docs]def get_point_group(atoms, tol=1e-8): """Return the point group operations of a systems.""" rotations, translations = get_symmetry(atoms, tol=tol) point_group = spglib.get_pointgroup(rotations)[0].strip() laue = ['-1', '2/m', 'mmm', '4/m', '4/mmm', '-3', '-3m', '6/m', '6/mmm', 'm-3', 'm-3m'] is_laue = point_group in laue return point_group, is_laue
[docs]def get_symmetry(atoms, tol=1e-5): """Atoms object interface with spglib symmetry finder: Parameters ---------- atoms : object Atoms object to search for symmetric structures of. tol : float Tolerance for floating point rounding errors. Returns ------- symmetry operations: ndarray (n, n) Symmetry operations from spglib. """ lattice = atoms.cell positions = atoms.get_scaled_positions() numbers = atoms.get_atomic_numbers() cell = (lattice, positions, numbers) symmetry = spglib.get_symmetry(cell, symprec=tol) rotations, translations = symmetry['rotations'], symmetry['translations'] return rotations, translations
[docs]def matching_coordinates(position, comparators, tol=1e-8): """Get the indices of all points in a comparator list that are equal to a given position (with a tolerance), taking into account periodic boundary conditions (adaptation from Pymatgen). This will only accept a Cartesian coordinate scheme. TODO: merge this with matching_sites. Parameters ---------- position : list (3,) Fractional coordinate to compare to list. comparators : list (3, n) Fractional coordinates to compare against. tol : float Absolute tolerance. Returns ------- match : list (n,) Indices of matches. """ if len(comparators) == 0: return [] fdist = comparators - position[None, :] match = np.where((np.abs(fdist) < tol).all(axis=1))[0] return match
[docs]def get_unique_coordinates(atoms, axis=2, tag=False, tol=1e-3): """Return unique coordinate values of a given atoms object for a specified axis. Parameters ---------- atoms : object Atoms object to search for unique values along. axis : int (0, 1, or 2) Look for unique values along the x, y, or z axis. tag : bool Assign ASE-like tags to each layer of the slab. tol : float The tolerance to search for unique values within. Returns ------- values : ndarray (n,) Array of unique positions in fractional coordinates. """ positions = (atoms.get_scaled_positions()[:, axis] + tol) % 1 positions -= tol values = [positions[0]] for d in positions[1:]: if not np.isclose(d, values, atol=tol, rtol=tol).any(): values += [d] values = np.sort(values) if tag: tags = [] for p in positions: close = np.isclose(p, values[::-1], atol=tol, rtol=tol) tags += [np.where(close)[0][0] + 1] atoms.set_tags(tags) return values
[docs]def get_affine_operations(atoms): """Return the affine operations of a unit cell.""" rotations, translations = get_symmetry(atoms) operations = np.zeros((rotations.shape[0], 4, 4)) for i, rot in enumerate(rotations): operations[i, :3, :3] = rot operations[i, -1, :3] = translations[i] operations[i, -1, -1] = 1 return operations