Source code for catkit.hub.ase_tools

from ase import Atoms
from import read
import numpy as np
import ase
import copy

[docs]def read_ase(filename): import six if isinstance(filename, six.string_types): atoms = read(filename) else: atoms = filename return atoms
[docs]def check_traj(filename, strict=True, verbose=True): from import convert import math try: atoms = read_ase(filename) if verbose: print('traj file read!') except BaseException: try: convert(filename) if verbose: print('Converting to new ase format!') atoms = read_ase(filename) except BaseException: print('Could not read traj file: {}'.format(filename)) return False try: atoms.get_potential_energy() assert not math.isnan(atoms.get_potential_energy()), 'Energy is NaN!' except BaseException: if strict: raise RuntimeError('No energy for .traj file: {}'.format(filename)) else: print('No energy for .traj file: {}'.format(filename)) return False return True
[docs]def get_reference(filename): atoms = read_ase(filename) energy = atoms.get_potential_energy() name = atoms.get_chemical_formula() return {name: str(energy)}
[docs]def get_pbc(filename): atoms = read_ase(filename) return atoms.get_pbc()
[docs]def get_traj_str(filename): from ase.db.row import AtomsRow from import encode atoms = read_ase(filename) row = AtomsRow(atoms) dct = {} for key in row.__dict__: if key[0] == '_' or key in row._keys or key == 'id': continue dct[key] = row[key] constraints = row.get('constraints') if constraints: dct['constraints'] = constraints txt = ','.join('"{0}": {1}'.format(key, encode(dct[key])) for key in sorted(dct.keys())) atoms_txt = '{{{0}}}'.format(txt) return atoms_txt
[docs]def get_chemical_formula(filename, mode='metal'): atoms = read_ase(filename) return atoms.get_chemical_formula(mode=mode)
[docs]def get_number_of_atoms(filename): atoms = read_ase(filename) return atoms.get_number_of_atoms()
[docs]def get_energy_diff(filename, filename_ref): atoms = read_ase(filename) reference = read_ase(filename_ref) return atoms.get_potential_energy() - reference.get_potential_energy()
[docs]def get_energies(filenames): if len(filenames) == 1: atoms = read_ase(filenames[0]) return atoms.get_potential_energy() elif len(filenames) > 1: energies = [] for filename in filenames: atoms = read_ase(filename) energies.append(atoms.get_potential_energy()) return energies
[docs]def get_energy(filename): atoms = read_ase(filename) return atoms.get_potential_energy()
[docs]def get_atomic_numbers(filename): atoms = read_ase(filename) return list(atoms.get_atomic_numbers())
[docs]def get_formula_from_numbers(numbers): formula = Atoms(numbers).get_chemical_formula(mode='all') return formula
[docs]def get_numbers_from_formula(formula): atoms = Atoms(formula) return get_atomic_numbers(atoms)
[docs]def clear_state(name): name = name.replace('*', '').replace('(g)', '') name = name.replace('star', '').replace('gas', '') return name
[docs]def clear_prefactor(molecule): if molecule == '': return molecule if not molecule[0].isalpha(): i = 0 while not molecule[i].isalpha(): i += 1 molecule = molecule[i:] return molecule
[docs]def get_atoms(molecule): molecule = clear_state(molecule) if molecule == '': prefactor = 1 return molecule, prefactor try: return '', float(molecule) except BaseException: pass if not molecule[0].isalpha(): i = 0 while not molecule[i].isalpha(): i += 1 prefactor = molecule[:i] if prefactor == '-': prefactor = -1 prefactor = float(prefactor) molecule = molecule[i:] else: prefactor = 1 temp = '' for k in range(len(molecule)): if molecule[k].isdigit(): for j in range(int(molecule[k]) - 1): temp += molecule[k - 1] else: temp += molecule[k] molecule = ''.join(sorted(temp)) return molecule, prefactor
[docs]def get_state(name): if '*' in name or 'star' in name: state = 'star' elif 'gas' in name: state = 'gas' else: state = 'star' return state
[docs]def get_reaction_energy(traj_files, reaction, reaction_atoms, states, prefactors, prefactors_TS, energy_corrections): energies = {} for key in traj_files.keys(): energies.update({key: ['' for n in range(len(traj_files[key]))]}) for key, trajlist in traj_files.items(): for i, traj in enumerate(trajlist): try: trajname = clear_prefactor(reaction[key][i]) except BaseException: trajname = None if trajname in energy_corrections.keys(): Ecor = energy_corrections[trajname] else: Ecor = 0 energies[key][i] = prefactors[key][i] * (get_energy(traj) + Ecor) # Reaction energy: energy_reactants = np.sum(energies['reactants']) energy_products = np.sum(energies['products']) reaction_energy = energy_products - energy_reactants # Activation energy if 'TS' in traj_files.keys(): # Is a different empty surface used for the TS? if 'TSempty' in traj_files.keys(): for key in reaction_atoms.keys(): if '' in reaction_atoms[key]: index = reaction_atoms[key].index('') traj_empty = traj_files[key][index] traj_tsempty = traj_files['TSempty'][0] tsemptydiff = get_energy(traj_tsempty) - get_energy(traj_empty) for i, traj in enumerate(traj_files['reactants']): try: trajname = clear_prefactor(reaction['reactants'][i]) except BaseException: trajname = None if trajname in energy_corrections.keys(): Ecor = energy_corrections[trajname] else: Ecor = 0 energies['reactants'][i] = prefactors_TS['reactants'][i]\ * (get_energy(traj) + Ecor) if 'TSempty' in traj_files.keys() and \ states['reactants'][i] == 'star': energies['reactants'][i] += prefactors_TS['reactants'][i]\ * tsemptydiff energy_reactants = np.sum(energies['reactants']) energy_TS = energies['TS'][0] activation_energy = energy_TS - energy_reactants else: activation_energy = None return reaction_energy, activation_energy
[docs]def tag_atoms(atoms, types=None): non_metals = ['H', 'He', 'B', 'C', 'N', 'O', 'F', 'Ne', 'Si', 'P', 'S', 'Cl', 'Ar', 'Ge', 'As', 'Se', 'Br', 'Kr', 'Sb', 'Te', 'I', 'Xe', 'Po', 'At', 'Rn'] layer_i = get_layers(atoms) top_layer_i = np.max(layer_i) i = 0 for i in range(0, top_layer_i + 1): atoms_i = np.where(layer_i == top_layer_i - i)[0] if len(np.where(layer_i == top_layer_i - i)[0]) == 1 and i < 4: atom = atoms[atoms_i[0]] if types is not None: if atom.symbol in types: atom.tag = 0 elif types is None: if atom.symbol in non_metals: atom.tag = 0 else: for l in atoms_i: atoms[l].tag = i + 1 return atoms
def get_layers(atoms): # WARNING: this function is defined twice # with different parameter choices tolerance = 0.2 d = atoms.positions[:, 2] keys = np.argsort(d) ikeys = np.argsort(keys) mask = np.concatenate(([True], np.diff(d[keys]) > tolerance)) layer_i = np.cumsum(mask)[ikeys] if layer_i.min() == 1: layer_i -= 1 return layer_i
[docs]def get_layers(atoms): # WARNING: this function is defined twice # with different parameter choices tolerance = 0.01 d = atoms.positions[:, 2] keys = np.argsort(d) ikeys = np.argsort(keys) mask = np.concatenate(([True], np.diff(d[keys]) > tolerance)) layer_i = np.cumsum(mask)[ikeys] if layer_i.min() == 1: layer_i -= 1 return layer_i
[docs]def get_surface_composition(filename): filename = "{]".format(filename) atoms = read_ase(filename) if len(np.unique(atoms.get_atomic_numbers())) == 1: return atoms.get_chemical_symbols()[0] layer_i = get_layers(atoms) top_layer_i = np.max(layer_i) atom_i = np.where(layer_i >= top_layer_i - 1)[0] layer_atoms = atoms[atom_i] surface_composition = layer_atoms.get_chemical_formula(mode='metal') return surface_composition
[docs]def get_n_layers(filename): atoms = read_ase(filename) layer_i = get_layers(atoms) n = np.max(layer_i) return n
[docs]def get_bulk_composition(filename): atoms = read_ase(filename) if len(np.unique(atoms.get_atomic_numbers())) == 1: return atoms.get_chemical_symbols()[0] layer_i = get_layers(atoms) top_layer_i = np.max(layer_i) compositions = [] for i in range(0, top_layer_i + 1): atom_i = np.where(layer_i == top_layer_i - i)[0] atoms_layer = atoms[atom_i] if len(np.unique(atoms_layer.get_atomic_numbers())) == 1: c = atoms_layer.get_chemical_symbols()[0] compositions.append(c) else: c = atoms[atom_i].get_chemical_formula(mode='metal') compositions.append(c) compositions = np.array(compositions) same_next_layer = compositions[1:] == compositions[:-1] bulk_compositions = compositions[:-1][same_next_layer] if len(bulk_compositions) > 0 and \ all(c == bulk_compositions[0] for c in bulk_compositions): bulk_composition = bulk_compositions[0] else: bulk_composition = None return bulk_composition
[docs]def check_in_ase(filename, ase_db, energy=None): """Check if entry is allready in ASE db""" db_ase = ase.db.connect(ase_db) atoms = read_ase(filename) if energy is None: energy = atoms.get_potential_energy() formula = atoms.get_chemical_formula(mode='metal') rows = n = 0 ids = [] for row in rows: if formula == row.formula: n += 1 ids.append( if n > 0: id = ids[0] unique_id = db_ase.get(id)['unique_id'] return id, unique_id else: return None, None
def _normalize_key_value_pairs_inplace(data): for key in data: if isinstance(data[key], np.int64): data[key] = int(data[key])
[docs]def write_ase(filename, db_file, user=None, data=None, **key_value_pairs): """Connect to ASE db""" atoms = read_ase(filename) atoms = tag_atoms(atoms) db_ase = ase.db.connect(db_file) _normalize_key_value_pairs_inplace(key_value_pairs) id = db_ase.write(atoms, data=data, **key_value_pairs) print('writing atoms to ASE db row id = {}'.format(id)) unique_id = db_ase.get(id)['unique_id'] return unique_id
[docs]def update_ase(db_file, identity, **key_value_pairs): """Connect to ASE db""" db_ase = ase.db.connect(db_file) _normalize_key_value_pairs_inplace(key_value_pairs) count = db_ase.update(identity, **key_value_pairs) print('Updating {0} key value pairs in ASE db row id = {1}' .format(count, identity)) return
[docs]def get_reaction_from_folder(folder_name): reaction = {} if '__' in folder_name: # Complicated reaction if '-' in folder_name and '_-' not in folder_name: # intermediate syntax a, b = folder_name.split('-') folder_name = a + '_-' + b reaction.update({'reactants': folder_name.split('__')[0].split('_'), 'products': folder_name.split('__')[1].split('_')}) elif '_' in folder_name: # Standard format AB, A, B = folder_name.split('_') if '-' in A: A = A.split('-') A[1] = '-' + A[1] products = [A[0], A[1], B] else: products = [A, B] reaction.update({'reactants': [AB], 'products': products}) else: raise AssertionError('problem with folder {}'.format(folder_name)) sites = {} for key, mollist in reaction.items(): for n, mol in enumerate(mollist): if '@' in mol: mol, site = mol.split('@') sites.update({mol: site}) reaction[key][n] = mol if 'gas' not in mol and 'star' not in mol: reaction[key][n] = mol + 'star' for key, mollist in reaction.items(): n_star = mollist.count('star') if n_star > 1: for n in range(n_star): mollist.remove('star') mollist.append(str(n_star) + 'star') return reaction, sites
[docs]def get_reaction_atoms(reaction): reaction_atoms = {'reactants': [], 'products': []} prefactors = {'reactants': [], 'products': []} states = {'reactants': [], 'products': []} for key, mollist in reaction.items(): for molecule in mollist: atoms, prefactor = get_atoms(molecule) reaction_atoms[key].append(atoms) prefactors[key].append(prefactor) state = get_state(molecule) states[key].append(state) prefactors_TS = copy.deepcopy(prefactors) # Balance the number of slabs on each side of reaction n_star = {'reactants': 0, 'products': 0} for key, statelist in states.items(): for j, s in enumerate(statelist): if s == 'star': n_star[key] += prefactors[key][j] n_r = n_star['reactants'] n_p = n_star['products'] diff = n_p - n_r if abs(diff) > 0: if diff > 0: # add empty slabs to left-hand side n_r += diff key = 'reactants' else: # add to right-hand side diff *= -1 # diff should be positive n_p += diff key = 'products' if '' not in reaction_atoms[key]: reaction[key].append('star') prefactors[key].append(diff) if key == 'reactants': prefactors_TS[key].append(1) states[key].append('star') reaction_atoms[key].append('') else: index = states[key].index('star') prefactors[key][index] += diff if key == 'reactants': prefactors_TS[key][index] += diff if n_r > 1: # Balance slabs for transition state count_empty = 0 if '' in reaction_atoms['reactants']: index = reaction_atoms['reactants'].index('') count_empty = prefactors_TS['reactants'][index] prefactors_TS['reactants'][index] = -(n_r - count_empty - 1) else: reaction_atoms['reactants'].append('') prefactors['reactants'].append(0) states['reactants'].append('star') prefactors_TS['reactants'].append(-n_r + 1) else: if '' in reaction_atoms['reactants']: index = reaction_atoms['reactants'].index('') prefactors_TS['reactants'][index] = 1 return reaction_atoms, prefactors, prefactors_TS, states
[docs]def debug_assert(expression, message, debug=False): if debug: try: assert expression, message except AssertionError as e: print(e) return False else: assert expression, message return True