Source code for catkit.hub.organize

#!/usr/bin/env python

# builtin imports
import pickle
import re

# A lot of functions from os.path
# in python 2 moved to os. and changed
# their signature. Pathlib can be
# installed under python2.X with
# pip install pathlib2 and is in
# standard library in Python 3,
# hence we use it as a compatiblity
# library
    from pathlib import Path
except (ImportError, AttributeError):
    from pathlib2 import Path

# other library imports
import Levenshtein
import ase.atoms
import numpy as np

# local imports
from .ase_tools import gas_phase_references

np.set_printoptions(threshold=500, linewidth=1800, edgeitems=80)

    "title": "",
    "authors": [""],
    "journal": "",
    "volume": "",
    "number": "",
     "pages": "",
     "year": "",
     "publisher": "",
     "doi": "",
     "tags": []

[docs]def get_chemical_formula(atoms): """ Compatibility function, return mode=metal, when available, mode=hill, when not (ASE <= 3.13) """ try: return atoms.get_chemical_formula(mode='metal') except ValueError: return atoms.get_chemical_formula(mode='hill')
[docs]def symbols(atoms): formula = get_chemical_formula(atoms) symbols = ase.atoms.string2symbols(formula) return ''.join(symbols)
[docs]def collect_structures(foldername, options): structures = [] if options.verbose: print(foldername) for i, filename in enumerate(Path(foldername).glob('**/*')): posix_filename = str(filename.as_posix()) if options.verbose: print(i, posix_filename) if posix_filename.endswith('publication.txt'): with open(posix_filename) as infile: global PUBLICATION_TEMPLATE PUBLICATION_TEMPLATE = elif Path(posix_filename).is_file(): try: filetype = except Exception as e: continue if filetype: try: structure =['filename'] = posix_filename['filetype'] = posix_filename) try: structure.get_potential_energy() # ensure that the structure has an energy structures.append(structure) except RuntimeError: print("Did not add {posix_filename} since it has no energy" .format( posix_filename=posix_filename, )) print(structure) except StopIteration: print("Warning: StopIteration {posix_filename} hit." .format( posix_filename=posix_filename, )) except IndexError: print("Warning: File {posix_filename} looks incomplete" .format( posix_filename=posix_filename, )) except OSError as e: print("Error with {posix_filename}: {e}".format( posix_filename=posix_filename, e=e, )) except AssertionError as e: print("Hit an assertion error with {posix_filename}: {e}".format( posix_filename=posix_filename, e=e, )) except ValueError as e: print("Trouble reading {posix_filename}: {e}".format( posix_filename=posix_filename, e=e, )) return structures
[docs]def fuzzy_match(structures, options): # filter out cell with ill-defined unit cells structures = [structure for structure in structures if structure.number_of_lattice_vectors == 3 ] # sort by density structures = sorted(structures, key=lambda x: len(x) / x.get_volume() ) # group in to bulk, surface, or bulk molecules, surfaces, bulks = [], [], [] gas_phase_candidates = [] reference_energy = {} collected_energies = {} collected_structures = {} if options.verbose: print("Group By Densities") print("===================") for structure in structures: if options.include_pattern: if not options.include_pattern,['filename']): continue if options.exclude_pattern \ and options.exclude_pattern,['filename']): continue elif options.exclude_pattern: if options.exclude_pattern,['filename']): continue # add more info from filename facet_match = '(?<=[^0-9])?[0-9]{3,3}(?=[^0-9])?',['filename']) if facet_match:['facet'] = else:['facet'] = options.facet_name or 'facet' density = len(structure) / structure.get_volume() if options.verbose: print(" {density:10.3f} {filename}".format( density=density,['filename'], )) if density < options.max_density_gas:['state'] = 'molecule' molecules.append(structure) collected_structures \ .setdefault(['filetype'], {}) \ .setdefault('XC_FUNCTIONAL', {}) \ .setdefault('gas', {}) \ .setdefault(get_chemical_formula(structure), structure) formula = get_chemical_formula(structure) if formula not in options.exclude_reference.split(','): gas_phase_candidates.append(get_chemical_formula(structure)) reference_energy[formula] = structure.get_potential_energy() if options.verbose: print(" GAS", formula,['filename']) elif density < options.max_density_slab:['state'] = 'surface' surfaces.append(structure) if options.verbose: print(" SURFACE", formula,['filename']) else:['state'] = 'bulk' bulks.append(structure) if options.verbose: print(" BULK", formula,['filename']) # sort surfaces by volume to get difference facets surfaces = sorted(surfaces, key=lambda x: x.get_volume() ) # Get minimal set of gas phase candidates gas_phase_candidates = list( sorted( set(gas_phase_candidates) ) ) if options.verbose: print("\n\nCANDIDATES {gas_phase_candidates}".format( gas_phase_candidates=gas_phase_candidates, )) volume_groups = {} tolerance = 1e-5 if options.verbose: print("\n\nGROUP BY VOLUME\n\n") for surface in sorted(surfaces, key=lambda x: x.get_volume(),): formula = symbols(surface) for volume in volume_groups: if abs(volume - surface.get_volume()) < tolerance: volume_groups[volume].append(surface) break else: volume_groups[surface.get_volume()] = [surface] if options.verbose: print(("\n=============== NEW VOLUME" " {volume} ============" ).format(volume=surface.get_volume())) if options.verbose: print(get_chemical_formula(surface)) for volume in volume_groups: if options.verbose: print("\nInspect volume {volume}\n".format( volume=volume, )) surfaces = volume_groups[volume] N = len(surfaces) if N > 1: distance = np.zeros((N, N), dtype=int) distance[:] = 99 for i, structure1 in enumerate(surfaces): formula1 = symbols(structure1) for j, structure2 in enumerate(surfaces): if j >= i: formula2 = symbols(structure2) distance[i, j] = Levenshtein.distance( formula1, formula2) for i, surf1 in enumerate(surfaces): for j, surf2 in enumerate(surfaces): f1 = symbols(surf1) formula1 = get_chemical_formula(surf1) f2 = symbols(surf2) formula2 = get_chemical_formula(surf2) if Levenshtein.distance(f1, f2) in range(1, 10): additions = '' subtractions = '' equal = '' opcodes = Levenshtein.opcodes(f1, f2) for tag, i1, i2, j1, j2 in opcodes: if tag == 'insert': additions += f2[j1:j2] elif tag == 'delete': subtractions += f2[j1:j2] elif tag == 'equal': equal += f1[i1:i2] subtractions = ''.join( sorted( ase.atoms.string2symbols( subtractions))) additions = ''.join( sorted( ase.atoms.string2symbols( additions))) equal_formula = get_chemical_formula( ase.atoms.Atoms(equal)) # check if we have some additions of subtractions # and either one (or both) are in user specifid # adsorbates if (additions or subtractions) \ and (not additions or additions in options.adsorbates) \ and (not subtractions or subtractions in options.adsorbates): dE = surf2.get_potential_energy() \ - surf1.get_potential_energy() difference_symbols = \ gas_phase_references.molecules2symbols( [additions, subtractions], ) references = \ gas_phase_references.construct_reference_system( difference_symbols, gas_phase_candidates, ) atomic_references = {} for i, j in references: atomic_references[i] = j adsorbates = [] if additions: adsorbates.append(additions) if subtractions: adsorbates.append(subtractions) if options.verbose: print(" ADDITIONS " + str(additions)) print(" SUBTRACTIONS " + str(subtractions)) print(" ADSORBATES " + str(adsorbates)) print(" REFERENCES " + str(references)) stoichiometry_factors = \ gas_phase_references.get_stoichiometry_factors( adsorbates, references, ) if options.verbose: print(" STOICH FACTORS " + str(stoichiometry_factors) + "\n\n") formula = '* ->' adsorbate = get_chemical_formula( ase.atoms.Atoms(additions)) if additions: formula += ' ' + \ get_chemical_formula( ase.atoms.Atoms(additions)) + '*' if subtractions: formula += ' ' + \ get_chemical_formula( ase.atoms.Atoms(subtractions)) + '*' gas_phase_corrections = {} for adsorbate in adsorbates: stoich_factors = stoichiometry_factors[adsorbate] for ref in stoich_factors: dE -= stoich_factors[ref] * \ reference_energy[ref] gas_phase_corrections[ref] = \ gas_phase_corrections.get( ref, 0) - stoich_factors[ref] for molecule, factor in gas_phase_corrections.items(): if factor != 0: sign = ' + ' if factor < 0 else ' +- ' if abs(factor - int(factor)) < 1e-3: factor = str(abs(int(factor))) if factor == '1': factor = '' else: factor = '{:.2f}'.format(abs(factor)) fleft, fright = formula.split(' -> ') formula = fleft + sign + factor + \ molecule + '(g)' + ' -> ' + fright if abs(dE) < options.max_energy: energy = dE key = ("{equal_formula:16s}" " ({surface_facet})" " {formula:30s}" ).format( formula=formula, equal_formula=equal_formula,['facet'] ) equation = (" {formula:30s}" ).format( formula=formula, equal_formula=equal_formula,['facet'] ) \ .replace(' ', '') \ .replace('+', '_') \ .replace('->', '__') \ .replace('*', 'star') \ .replace('(g)', 'gas') # We keep the empty structure whether or not # we keep all structures collected_structures \ .setdefault(['filetype'], {}) \ .setdefault('XC_FUNCTIONAL', {}) \ .setdefault(equal_formula, {}) \ .setdefault(['facet'], {}) \ .setdefault('empty_slab', surf1) if not options.keep_all_energies: if energy < collected_energies.get( key, float("inf")): collected_energies[key] = energy collected_structures .setdefault(['filetype'], {}) .setdefault( 'XC_FUNCTIONAL', {}) .setdefault( equal_formula, {}) .setdefault(['facet'], {}) .setdefault( equation, {})[adsorbate] = surf2 else: # amend number if colliding keys are found matching_keys = [ _key for _key in collected_energies if _key.startswith(key) ] key += '_' + str(len(matching_keys)) collected_energies[key] = energy collected_structures .setdefault(['filetype'], {}) \ .setdefault('XC_FUNCTIONAL', {}) \ .setdefault(equal_formula, {}) \ .setdefault(['facet'], {}) \ .setdefault( equation, {}) .setdefault( adsorbate + '@site_' + str( len(matching_keys)), surf2) print("\n\nCollected Reaction Energies") print("===========================") for key, energy in collected_energies.items(): print("{key:40s}: {energy:.3f} eV".format( key=key, energy=energy, )) return collected_structures
[docs]def create_folders(options, structures, root=''): out_format = 'json' for key in structures: if isinstance(structures[key], dict): d = Path(root).joinpath(key) Path(d).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if Path(root).parent.as_posix() == '.': # Have to explicitly convert Path to str # to work under python 3.4 with open(str( Path(root).joinpath('publication.txt')), 'w') as outfile: outfile.write(PUBLICATION_TEMPLATE) create_folders(options, structures[key], root=d) else: str(Path(root).joinpath(key + '.' + out_format)), structures[key], format=out_format, )
[docs]def main(options): pickle_file = options.foldername.strip().rstrip( '/').strip('.').rstrip('/') + '.cache.pckl' if Path(pickle_file).exists() and Path(pickle_file).stat().st_size: with open(pickle_file, 'rb') as infile: structures = pickle.load(infile) else: structures = collect_structures(options.foldername, options) with open(pickle_file, 'wb') as outfile: pickle.dump(structures, outfile) structures = fuzzy_match(structures, options) create_folders(options, structures, root=options.foldername.strip('/') + '.organized')