Source code for catkit.hub.postgresql

import psycopg2
import os
import sys

    from builtins import str as text
except BaseException:
    text = str

init_commands = [
    """CREATE TABLE publication (
    pub_id text UNIQUE,
    title text,
    authors jsonb,
    journal text,
    volume text,
    number text,
    pages text,
    year smallint,
    publisher text,
    doi text,
    tags jsonb

    """CREATE TABLE publication_system (
    ase_id text REFERENCES systems(unique_id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
    pub_id text REFERENCES publication(pub_id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
    PRIMARY KEY (pub_id, ase_id)

    """CREATE TABLE reaction (
    chemical_composition text,
    surface_composition text,
    facet text,
    sites jsonb,
    coverages jsonb,
    reactants jsonb,
    products jsonb,
    reaction_energy numeric,
    activation_energy numeric,
    dft_code text,
    dft_functional text,
    username text,
    pub_id text REFERENCES publication (pub_id) ON DELETE CASCADE

    """CREATE TABLE reaction_system (
    name text,
    energy_correction numeric,
    ase_id text REFERENCES systems(unique_id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
    id integer REFERENCES reaction(id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
    PRIMARY KEY (id, ase_id)

index_statements = [
    'CREATE INDEX idxpubid ON publication (pub_id);',
    'CREATE INDEX idxreacten ON reaction (reaction_energy);',
    'CREATE INDEX idxchemcomp ON reaction (chemical_composition);',
    'CREATE INDEX idxreact ON reaction USING GIN (reactants);',
    'CREATE INDEX idxprod ON reaction USING GIN (products);',
    'CREATE INDEX idxuser ON reaction (username);'

tsvector_statements = [
    """ALTER TABLE publication ADD COLUMN pubtextsearch tsvector;""",

    # Trigger doesn't work with all versions. Will make this work
    # later
    # UPDATE publication SET pubtextsearch =
    # to_tsvector('english', coalesce(title, '') || ' ' ||
    # coalesce(authors::text, '') || ' ' || coalesce(year::text, '') || ' ' ||
    # coalesce(tags::text, ''))
    # ;""",
    # tsvector_update_trigger(pubtextsearch, 'pg_catalog.english',
    # title, authors, year, tags)

    """ALTER TABLE reaction ADD COLUMN textsearch tsvector;""",

    # tsvector_update_trigger(textsearch, 'pg_catalog.english',
    # chemical_compotision, facet, reactants, products);""",

    'CREATE INDEX idxsearch ON reaction USING GIN (textsearch);'
tsvector_update = [
    """UPDATE publication SET pubtextsearch =
    to_tsvector('simple', coalesce(title, '') || ' ' ||
    coalesce(authors::text, '') || ' ' || coalesce(year::text, '') || ' ' ||
    coalesce(tags::text, ''));

    UPDATE reaction SET textsearch =
    to_tsvector('simple', coalesce(regexp_replace(
    '([0-9])', '', 'g'), '()([A-Z])', '\1 \2','g'), '') || ' ' ||
    coalesce(facet, '') || ' ' ||
    replace(replace(coalesce(reactants::text, '') || ' ' ||
    coalesce(products::text, ''), 'star',''), 'gas', ''));

[docs]class CathubPostgreSQL: """ Class for setting up the catalysis hub reaction energy database on postgreSQL server. """ def __init__(self, user='catroot', password=None, stdin=sys.stdin, stdout=sys.stdout): self.initialized = False self.connection = None = None if user == 'catroot' or user == 'catvisitor': self.schema = 'public' else: self.schema = user self.user = user self.server = '' if password is None: password = os.environ['DB_PASSWORD'] self.password = password self.stdin = stdin self.stdout = stdout def _connect(self): con = psycopg2.connect(host=self.server, user=self.user, password=self.password, port=5432, database='catalysishub') return con def __enter__(self): assert self.connection is None self.connection = self._connect() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type): # , exc_value, tb): if exc_type is None: self.connection.commit() else: self.connection.rollback() self.connection.close() self.connection = None def _initialize(self, con): if self.initialized: return cur = con.cursor() self.stdout.write("_initialize start\n") set_schema = 'SET search_path = {0};'.format(self.schema) cur.execute(set_schema) self.stdout.write( "_initialize set schema to {self.schema}\n".format(**locals())) from ase.db.postgresql import PostgreSQLDatabase PostgreSQLDatabase()._initialize(con) cur.execute("""SELECT to_regclass('publication');""") if cur.fetchone()[0] is None: # publication doesn't exist for init_command in init_commands: self.stdout.write(init_command + '\n') cur.execute(init_command) for statement in index_statements: self.stdout.write(statement + '\n') cur.execute(statement) for statement in tsvector_statements: self.stdout.write(statement + '\n') cur.execute(statement) con.commit() self.initialized = True return self
[docs] def create_user(self, user): from pwgen import pwgen con = self.connection or self._connect() cur = con.cursor() cur.execute('CREATE SCHEMA {0};'.format(user)) # self._initialize(schema=schema_name) password = pwgen(8) cur.execute( "CREATE USER {0} with PASSWORD '{1}';".format(user, password)) cur.execute( 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA {0} TO {1};'.format(user)) cur.execute('GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO {0};'.format(user)) cur.execute( 'GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO {0};'.format(user)) cur.execute( 'ALTER ROLE {0} SET search_path TO {0};'.format(user)) self.stdout.write( 'CREATED USER {0} WITH PASSWORD {1}\n'.format(user, password)) con.commit() con.close() self.schema = user self.user = user self.password = password con = self._connect() self._initialize(con) con.commit() con.close() return self
[docs] def remove_user(self, user): assert self.user == 'catroot' con = self.connection or self._connect() cur = con.cursor() cur.execute('DROP SCHEMA {0} CASCADE;'.format(user)) cur.execute('REVOKE USAGE ON SCHEMA public FROM {0};'.format(user)) cur.execute( 'REVOKE SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public FROM {0};' .format(user)) cur.execute( 'DROP ROLE {0};'.format(user)) self.stdout.write( 'REMOVED USER {0}\n'.format(user)) con.commit() con.close() return self
[docs] def status(self, table='reaction'): con = self.connection or self._connect() self._initialize(con) cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT COUNT(id) from {0};".format(table)) count = cur.fetchone() return count[0]
[docs] def read(self, id, table='reaction'): con = self.connection or self._connect() self._initialize(con) cur = con.cursor() cur.execute( """SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = 'public' AND table_name='{0}';""" .format(table)) columns = cur.fetchall() if id == 'all': cur.execute('SELECT * FROM \n {0} \n'.format(table, table)) else: cur.execute('SELECT * FROM \n {0} \n WHERE \n {1}.id={2}' .format(table, table, id)) row = cur.fetchall() return columns, row
[docs] def write_publication(self, pub_values): con = self.connection or self._connect() self._initialize(con) cur = con.cursor() # pub_id = pub_values[1].encode('ascii','ignore') pub_id = pub_values[1] cur.execute( """SELECT id from publication where pub_id='{0}'""".format(pub_id)) row = cur.fetchone() if row is not None: # len(row) > 0: id = row # [0] else: key_str, value_str = get_key_value_str(pub_values, 'publication') insert_command = """INSERT INTO publication ({0}) VALUES ({1}) RETURNING id;""".format(key_str, value_str) cur.execute(insert_command) id = cur.fetchone()[0] if self.connection is None: con.commit() con.close() return id, pub_id
[docs] def write(self, values, table='reaction'): con = self.connection or self._connect() self._initialize(con) cur = con.cursor() key_str, value_str = get_key_value_str(values, table) insert_command = 'INSERT INTO {0} ({1}) VALUES ({2}) RETURNING id;'\ .format(table, key_str, value_str) cur.execute(insert_command) id = cur.fetchone()[0] if self.connection is None: con.commit() con.close() return id
[docs] def update(self, id, values, key_names='all'): con = self.connection or self._connect() self._initialize(con) cur = con.cursor() key_str, value_str = get_key_value_str(values) update_command = 'UPDATE reaction SET ({0}) = ({1}) WHERE id = {2};'\ .format(key_str, value_str, id) cur.execute(update_command) if self.connection is None: con.commit() con.close() return id
[docs] def update_publication(self, pub_dict): import json con = self.connection or self._connect() self._initialize(con) cur = con.cursor() pub_id = pub_dict['pub_id'] values = pub_dict.values() key_str = ', '.join(pub_dict.keys()) value_str = "'{0}'".format(values[0]) for v in values[1:]: if isinstance(v, text): v = v.encode('utf8', 'ignore') if v is None or v == '': value_str += ", {0}".format('NULL') elif isinstance(v, str): value_str += ", '{0}'".format(v) elif isinstance(v, list): value_str += ", '{0}'".format(json.dumps(v)) else: value_str += ", {0}".format(v) update_command = \ """UPDATE publication SET ({0}) = ({1}) WHERE pub_id='{2}';"""\ .format(key_str, value_str, pub_id) self.stdout.write(update_command + '\n') cur.execute(update_command) if self.connection is None: con.commit() con.close() return
[docs] def delete(self, authorlist, year, doi=None): con = self.connection or self._connect() self._initialize(con) cur = con.cursor() if doi is None: delete_command =\ """DELETE from reaction WHERE publication -> 'authors' = '{0}' and year = {2};"""\ .format(authorlist, year) cur.execute(delete_command) count = cur.fetchone()[0] if self.connection is None: con.commit() con.close() return count
[docs] def transfer(self, filename_sqlite, start_id=1, write_ase=True, write_publication=True, write_reaction=True, write_reaction_system=True, block_size=1000, start_block=0): self.stdout.write('Starting transfer\n') con = self.connection or self._connect() self._initialize(con) self.stdout.write('Finished initialization\n') cur = con.cursor() self.stdout.write('Got a cursor\n') set_schema = 'SET search_path = {0};'.format(self.schema) cur.execute(set_schema) import os import time self.stdout.write('Imported os\n') import ase.db self.stdout.write('Imported ase.db\n') self.stdout.write('Building server_name\n') server_name = "postgres://{0}:{1}@{2}:5432/catalysishub".format( self.user, self.password, self.server) self.stdout.write('Connecting to {server_name}\n'.format(**locals())) nrows = 0 if write_ase: print('Transfering atomic structures') db = ase.db.connect(filename_sqlite) n_structures = db.count() n_blocks = int(n_structures / block_size) + 1 t_av = 0 for block_id in range(start_block, n_blocks): i = block_id - start_block t1 = time.time() b0 = block_id * block_size + 1 b1 = (block_id + 1) * block_size + 1 # self.stdout.write(str(block_id) + ' ' + # 'from ' + str(b0) + ' to ' + str(b1) + '\n') if block_id + 1 == n_blocks: b1 = n_structures + 1 rows = list('{}<id<{}'.format(b0 - 1, b1))) with ase.db.connect(server_name, type='postgresql') as db2: db2.write(rows) nrows += len(rows) t2 = time.time() dt = t2 - t1 t_av = (t_av * i + dt) / (i + 1) self.stdout.write( ' Finnished Block {0} / {1} in {2} sec' .format(block_id + 1, n_blocks, dt)) self.stdout.write( ' Completed transfer of {0} atomic structures.' .format(nrows)) self.stdout.write(' Estimated time left: {0} sec'.format( t_av * (n_blocks - block_id))) from catkit.hub.cathubsqlite import CathubSQLite db = CathubSQLite(filename_sqlite) con_lite = db._connect() cur_lite = con_lite.cursor() # write publication Npub = 0 Npubstruc = 0 if write_publication: try: npub = db.get_last_pub_id(cur_lite) except BaseException: npub = 1 for id_lite in range(1, npub + 1): Npub += 1 row =, table='publication') if len(row) == 0: continue values = row[0] pid, pub_id = self.write_publication(values) # Publication structures connection cur_lite.execute("""SELECT * from publication_system;""") rows = cur_lite.fetchall() for row in rows: Npubstruc += 1 values = row[:] key_str, value_str = get_key_value_str( values, table='publication_system') set_schema = 'SET search_path = {0};'.format(self.schema) cur.execute(set_schema) print("[SET SCHEMA] {set_schema}".format(**locals())) insert_command = """INSERT INTO publication_system ({0}) VALUES ({1}) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;"""\ .format(key_str, value_str) cur.execute(insert_command) # self.write(values, table='publication_system') con.commit() Ncat = 0 Ncatstruc = 0 if write_reaction: n = db.get_last_id(cur_lite) select_ase = """SELECT * from reaction_system where id={};""" for id_lite in range(start_id, n + 1): row = if len(row) == 0: continue values = row[0] id = self.check(values[13], values[1], values[6], values[7], values[8], strict=True) update_rs = False if id is not None: id = self.update(id, values) self.stdout.write( 'Updated reaction db with row id = {}\n'.format(id)) update_rs = True else: Ncat += 1 id = self.write(values) self.stdout.write( 'Written to reaction db row id = {0}\n'.format(id)) cur_lite.execute(select_ase.format(id_lite)) rows = cur_lite.fetchall() if write_reaction_system: if update_rs: cur.execute("""Delete from reaction_system231 where reaction_id={0}""".format(id)) for row in rows: Ncatstruc += 1 values = list(row) if len(values) == 3: values.insert(1, None) values[3] = id key_str, value_str = \ get_key_value_str(values, table='reaction_system') set_schema = 'SET search_path = {0};'.format( self.schema) cur.execute(set_schema) # print("[SET SCHEMA] {set_schema}".format(**locals())) insert_command = """INSERT INTO reaction_system ({0}) VALUES ({1}) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;"""\ .format(key_str, value_str) # print( # "[INSERT COMMAND] {insert_command}" # .format(**locals())) cur.execute(insert_command) con.commit() # Commit reaction_system for each row for statement in tsvector_update: cur.execute(statement) if self.connection is None: con.commit() con.close() self.stdout.write('Inserted into:\n') self.stdout.write(' systems: {0}\n'.format(nrows)) self.stdout.write(' publication: {0}\n'.format(Npub)) self.stdout.write(' publication_system: {0}\n'.format(Npubstruc)) self.stdout.write(' reaction: {0}\n'.format(Ncat)) self.stdout.write(' reaction_system: {0}\n'.format(Ncatstruc))
[docs] def check(self, pub_id, chemical_composition, reactants, products, reaction_energy=None, strict=True): con = self.connection or self._connect() self._initialize(con) cur = con.cursor() keys = 'pub_id, chemical_composition, reactants, products' values = [pub_id, chemical_composition, reactants, products] placeholder = """'{}', '{}', '{}', '{}'""" if strict: assert reaction_energy is not None placeholder += ", {}" keys += ', reaction_energy' values.append(reaction_energy) placeholder += """);""" arguments = [keys] + values statement = \ """SELECT id FROM reaction WHERE ({}) = (""" + placeholder statement = statement.format(*arguments) cur.execute(statement) rows = cur.fetchall() if len(rows) > 0: id = rows[0][0] else: id = None return id
[docs] def publication_status(self): con = self.connection or self._connect() self._initialize(con) cur = con.cursor() select_statement = \ """SELECT distinct publication FROM reaction WHERE publication ->> 'doi' is null OR publication -> 'doi' is null;""" cur.execute(select_statement) pubs = cur.fetchall() return pubs
[docs]def get_key_value_str(values, table='reaction'): key_str = {'reaction': """chemical_composition, surface_composition, facet, sites, coverages, reactants, products, reaction_energy, activation_energy, dft_code, dft_functional, username, pub_id""", 'publication': """pub_id, title, authors, journal, volume, number, pages, year, publisher, doi, tags""", 'reaction_system': """name, energy_correction, ase_id, id""", 'publication_system': """ase_id, pub_id"""} start_index = 1 if table == 'publication_system' or table == 'reaction_system': start_index = 0 value_str = "'{0}'".format(values[start_index]) for v in values[start_index + 1:]: # print("\n\n\nDIR TYPE {v}".format(**locals())) # print(dir(v)) # print(type(v)) # if isinstance(v, text): # v = v.encode('utf8','ignore') # print("ISINSTANCE TEXT {v}".format(**locals())) # elif hasattr(v, 'encode'): # v = v.encode('utf8','ignore') # print("HASATTR ENCODE {v}".format(**locals())) if v is None or v == '': value_str += ", {0}".format('NULL') elif isinstance(v, str): value_str += ", '{0}'".format(v) else: value_str += ", {0}".format(v) # print(value_str) return key_str[table], value_str