Source code for

import os

[docs]def extract_atoms(molecule): """Return a string with all atoms in molecule""" if molecule == '': return molecule try: return float(molecule) except BaseException: pass atoms = '' if not molecule[0].isalpha(): i = 0 while not molecule[i].isalpha(): i += 1 prefactor = float(molecule[:i]) if prefactor < 0: prefactor = abs(prefactor) sign = '-' else: sign = '' molecule = molecule[i:] else: prefactor = 1 sign = '' for k in range(len(molecule)): if molecule[k].isdigit(): for j in range(int(molecule[k]) - 1): atoms += molecule[k - 1] else: atoms += molecule[k] if prefactor % 1 == 0: atoms *= int(prefactor) elif prefactor % 1 == 0.5: atoms_sort = sorted(atoms) N = len(atoms) atoms = '' for n in range(N): for m in range(int(prefactor - 0.5)): atoms += atoms_sort[n] if n % 2 == 0: atoms += atoms_sort[n] return sign + ''.join(sorted(atoms))
[docs]def add_atoms(atoms_list): add = '' sub = '' for atoms in atoms_list: if isinstance(atoms, float): continue if len(atoms) > 0 and atoms[0] == '-': sub += atoms[1:] else: add += atoms return add.replace(sub, '', 1)
[docs]def check_reaction(reactants, products): """Check the stoichiometry and format of chemical reaction used for folder structure. list of reactants -> list of products """ reactant_list = [reactant.split('@')[0].strip( 'star').strip('gas') for reactant in reactants] product_list = [product.split('@')[0].strip( 'star').strip('gas') for product in products] reactant_atoms = [extract_atoms(reactant) for reactant in reactant_list] product_atoms = [extract_atoms(product) for product in product_list] reactants = add_atoms(reactant_atoms) products = add_atoms(product_atoms) r_stars = 0 p_stars = 0 for i, a in enumerate(reactant_atoms): if a == '' or 'star' in reactant_list[i]: r_stars += 1 elif isinstance(a, float): r_stars += a for a in product_atoms: if a == '': p_stars += 1 elif isinstance(a, float): p_stars += a assert ''.join(sorted(reactants)) == ''.join(sorted(products))
[docs]def get_catbase(): if 'SHERLOCK' in os.environ: sherlock = os.environ['SHERLOCK'] if sherlock == '1': catbase = '/home/winther/data_catapp/' elif sherlock == '2': catbase = '/home/users/winther/data_catapp/' elif 'SLAC_ENVIRON' in os.environ: catbase = '/nfs/slac/g/suncatfs/data_catapp/' else: catbase = './' return catbase
[docs]def get_bases(folder_name): catbase = get_catbase() if os.environ['USER'] == 'winther': data_base = catbase + 'winther/databases/' user = folder_name else: user = os.environ['USER'] data_base = catbase + folder_name + '/' user_base = catbase + folder_name return catbase, data_base, user, user_base